Snacking is generally a term used for eating something between meals. It is normally is associated with eating high fat crisps, biscuits or other bakery products. But it is not true . The snacking can be a healthy habit and may provide certain health benefits if proper choices about the kind and quantity of food can be made. It gives body the energy and nutrients it requires to perform functions throughout the day.
Normally there are 6 -7 hours gap between each meals, and going for a longer period of time without food may lowers blood sugar levels of some individuals and cause irritability in their systems. So sometimes in certain situations it is essential to break the gap by eating or drinking in order to satisfy hunger and keeping the blood sugar level normal.

Tips for healthy snacking.

  • Foods normally referred as snacks such as crisps, french fries, confectionery like biscuits, cakes and pastries are rich in fats and sugars and low in vitamins and minerals can lead to obesity and other health problems. Try to use these foods occasionally.
  • A proper food choice is essential for healthy snacking. Put more emphasis on using fruits and vegetables as a snacks. As they are nutrients dense and low in calories.
  • A glass of milk ,juice or a cup of tea or coffee sometimes satisfy hunger pangs . So always take a drink before snacking.
  • Try snacking only when you are hungry, between long meal gaps.
  • When buying foods, focus more on fruits , low fat yogurts ,unsalted nuts. Try to avoid buying biscuits, crisps and bakery as snacks

Examples of healthy snacks

  • An apple, a small banana, a peach , grapes or a cup of fruit salad.
  • 12 -14 almonds or a small handful of nuts.
  • A hard boiled egg
  • Carrots and cucumbers .
  • A small bowl of pop corns.
  • A slice of bread with a small layer of honey or butter on it.
  • 1-2 whole wheat biscuits.
  • A cup of low fat unsweetened yogurt with fruits.
  • Roasted chickpeas.

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